Learn Reiki in Cairns with accomplished Reiki Teacher Julie Heskins.
There are many reasons to learn Reiki. Its a great system for self development and helps us to let go of worry, anger and fears. Practising with the reiki tools helps you to become more balanced, happy and kind to yourself — as well as those close to you. Reiki helps you gain clarity, patience, peace and make clear choices in your life.
Traditional Japanese Reiki
Julie teaches traditional Japanese reiki in Cairns, also known as Usui Reiki Ryoho. There are 3 levels:
Reiki 1 Shoden — this is the entry level course for beginners and students develop an understanding of what Reiki is and where it came from. Over two days you’ll learn simple reiki techniques and meditations so you can perform reiki treatments on yourself (and others) as well as begin a daily reiki practice. You’ll also receive 4 attunements.
Reiki 2 Okuden — deepens your connection to the reiki energy and is suited to students who want to further their reiki knowledge and/or become professional reiki practitioners. You’ll learn more intuitive reiki healing techniques including scanning, the symbols and deity connections and distant healing.
Reiki 3 Shinpiden (Teacher) — once you have mastered the techniques of Shoden and Okuden you may wish to deepen your professional practice or even teach reiki. You’ll learn the final symbol and how to meditate on it, how to give attunements and reiju, plus how to get started as a reiki teacher. You’ll graduate as Reiki Teacher.
Julie teaches all 3 levels of reiki courses at her home studio — Rainforest Reiki — but also runs courses in regional areas of Far-north Queensland including Mission Beach, Kuranda, Atherton, and Yungaburra.
Want to learn reiki with your friends? Julie teaches private courses for groups of 4 people or more.
Included in each reiki course is a full instruction manual, morning and afternoon tea, and a Reiki certificate. Everyone brings a plate to share for lunch.

Learning reiki connects you with like-minded people and is an opportunity to develop new friendships that support your spiritual development and healing.

Enquire about Reiki Courses
Keen to learn Reiki over two days in the rainforest? Contact Julie Heskins by phone: 0438 537365 or email: julierainforestreiki@gmail.com.