
reiki 1 students in cairns with julie heskins

Why Learning Traditional Reiki is so beneficial

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There are many varieties of Reiki that have come to the West since Mikeo Usui first introduced the system in the early 1920s.  He originally put the system together for his own use realising the benefits of simplifying Buddhist precepts, practicing various meditation techniques, and added hands on healing which was already widely used in Japan. 

After his death in 1926, his students continued his legacy. Depending on their individual experiences and interests, some focused more on hands on healing while others on the more spiritual teachings and meditation techniques.  

Hawayo Takata, who first brought the system to the West, was taught by Chirjiro Hayashi.  Her teacher Hayashi was a medical doctor in the Navy for many years and his clinics focused on group hands-on healing for students. 

Hawayo, who was Japanese but had been living in the USA (Hawaii), became very ill on a trip back to Japan.  She went to Hayashi’s clinic in Tokyo, received 4 months of reiki treatments and was completely healed from her illnesses.  Afterwards she wanted to learn his healing methods so she could teach Reiki when she returned to Hawaii.

Upon reflection, it is not surprising that when Takata bought the reiki system to America, her focus was mainly on hands-on healing and using the precepts.  She considered that the breathing techniques and meditations too ‘spiritual’ for westerners at that time.

In her diary, Hawayo Takata describes Reiki as an “unseen spiritual power that vibrates and all other powers fade into insignificance beside it.” This power or force is believed to be within all of us, but those who study and apply it correctly can use it to heal.1

Reiki and Meditation

Nowadays meditation has become widely accepted.  People in modern day life (especially those with anxiety, depression, or feeling disconnected to themselves) benefit from the various ‘meditations’ on offer.  Most people start with fully guided meditations, which are very relaxing, but don’t always facilitate real growth and awareness. 

Japanese reiki meditations are a much deeper experience. They take you to a place where you can observe the mind, let go of the many thoughts that arise, and keep returning to a safe place. A place that quietens the more we practice. The outcome is that you soften your attachments to worries and anger and rediscover your true nature.

It’s the place of real growth and real awakening.

Sitting in silence is tough for busy people 😀.  Our modern society often over-stimulates the mind with world news, music, and digital distractions.  How many friends do you have who can’t sleep at night? The mind can be a very busy place at night.

‘A peaceful mind is the great infinite’.  How true this is ❤️🙏.

The idea of a calm mind is very attractive, but it takes work and perseverance for most of us.  Many abandon their practice because focusing on the breath, something that seems incredibly easy, is hard.  However, if we are willing to commit to regular practice, the rewards are wonderful.

Meditation returns us time and again to the present moment. It is here that we find joy, genuine happiness and connection.

This is one of the reasons I love Reiki.  In a class we try out various techniques and focus the mind on deeper breathing.  Students are often surprised that the changes they notice happen relatively quickly.  It gives them incentive to keep practicing at home.

Are you interested in learning reiki and beginning a regular meditation practice? I look foward to meeting you in Cairns.

Julie xx

julie heskins teaching meditation in cairns

Learn Reiki in Cairns

Why not begin your own journey into healh and inner wellbeing. Julie teaches all three levels of Japanese reiki, beginning with Level 1 Reiki Shoden. Here are the latest course dates for Reiki beginners.


Quote 1: Hawayo Takata Papers (Santa Barbara Library)

learning reiki with julie heskins cairns

Why choose traditional Reiki for self-care?

With so many modalities of self-care out there, maybe your wondering, why choose reiki? Here’s a few thoughts.

Mikao Usui’s teachings encourage us to shift our focus to the present moment, embrace mindfulness and live each day with intention and gratitude.

Perhaps you have health issue or simply know that this material life we were told would deliver happiness, just isn’t working anymore.  When we start to look within as a way to to heal ourselves, what an exciting and inspired journey that can be.

Reiki is a system for us to become whole. Working with meditations, daily precepts, and hands-on healing techniques, we are able to heal on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level. With sustained practice, we wake up to the pure potential within ourselves and bring balance and clarity into our lives.


As a daily reiki practitioner, for more than 20 years, I can affirm the following benefits of a regular practice:

  1. Maintain a clear state of mind.
  2. Heal ourselves and live ethically.
  3. Be calm, centred, and grounded.
  4. Realise change is inevitable. 
  5. See things as they truly are.
  6. Live in the present moment, the place where true happiness and joy is found.
  7. Develop patience, humility, and gratitude.
  8. Keep our own cup filled, so we have more to share.
  9. Be kinder and more compassionate to all living beings as well as the planet. 
julie heskins relaxing in her rainforest reiki studio

Nearly 20 years ago reiki changed my life, now I teach and mentor students along their own journey of self-healing and transformation.


Whether you are practicing reiki on yourself, your family, your friends, or your pets — anyone who is open to receiving reiki will benefit.  Even skeptics can receive positive benefits!  

I had a recent experience where a friend’s husband had a terrible toothache.  After a short, 10 minute reiki session he was amazed at how effective it was. At that moment, he was open and the reiki worked a treat! 


Everyone is different.  Some love receiving treatments whilst others love to learn.  After the initial course the meditations and self-reiki can be practiced regularly. In this busy world, where time and money are limited, what could be more empowering than having a reiki toolbox on hand (literally!) to treat yourself everyday.


If you live in Cairns (or the surrounds) and are wanting to bring positive change into your life by enacting more self-care and self-love, why not book into the Reiki 1 Shoden course, join me for a reiki retreat day, or come along to a reiki meditation class. I’d love to introduce you to the beautiful system of reiki and get you started on your own journey of healing and self-discovery.

Call me on +61 438 537365 or email for more details.

Learn traditional Japanese reiki in Cairns with like-minded people and an experienced Reiki Master, Julie Heskins.

Getting close to animals with reiki and meditation

Observations of a Pet Sitter

Owning a pet carries responsibility. I love animals but I also travel for much of the year, so pet sitting allows me to do both. It’s a win-win-win situation for everyone — me, the owners, and the animals.

Pet sitting can be lots of fun but also has its challenges. Pets are unique and have distinct personalities and minds of their own — they certainly aren’t shy to show their true colours from the outset.

Involving ‘Blossom’ in my Reiki practice

One of my favourite pet sits was with a white feisty terrier called Blossom. On our first meeting Blossom growled and barked wildly at me. Her devoted mum and dad explained that she had a strong personality.

I find it’s always best to be direct with owners — to see whether you’re going to be the right fit for their beloved pet.

How did Blossom go with the previous pet sitter?’ I asked.

When they admitted that Blossom had barked aggressively at the poor woman for the entire first week, I wasn’t too concerned. Reiki has many benefits and I felt certain it would be a calming influence for a little dog who was missing her human parents.

Just as humans experience anxiety and stress when situations change, so do sensitive animals.

I agreed to the pet-sit, feeling confident that Blossom would respond positively to my presence, and my reiki practice.

The owners went off on their cruise and I moved in. As soon as I arrived Blossom complained, very noisily, that I was not her family. However I gently sat on the sofa in meditation, set an intent that the little dog would receive whatever healing she needed, and did a 20 minute meditation. Within a few minutes the barking abated, Blossom calmed down and peace was restored.

I continued to include Blossom in my meditation practice and, by the end of day two, Blossom had fully accepted me — wagging her tail enthusiastically whenever I arrived home. She is a special girl and on some days, when I was working with clients, I would her along to my  Rainforest Reiki studio. She greeted everyone with a few cheerful barks and then quietly settled under the reiki table — enjoying being in the energy that a reiki treatment creates.

blossom, one of my pet sitting clients in Cairns
After just a few days, Blossom became a loving and cheerful companion during Reiki practice.

The wisdom of Pappi

Do pets reflect their owners? I think they do. Another of my favourite pet-sits is Pappi. Pappi is a medium sized dog of mixed lineage who was very well trained and super intelligent. Just like her quiet, smart mum who also has a playful sense of humour :).

It’s always a gift to care for a well trained dog. Being able to walking her on the beach without a lead was an absolute joy. Trust is so important and, with Pappi, she would come to me to have her lead put on if she perceived a threat from another dog.

Intuition and wisdom is something, for most of us, that needs to be developed — whereas Pappi, just knew who she could trust. We can learn so much from our pets, even when they are in our care for a short time, if we take the time to observe them.

Pappi and I, during one of our beachwalks.

Spending time with Missy

Cats are also a favourite of mine — especially Missy who lives on property in the Atherton Tablelands. Missy was a bit stand offish initially but over time she has grown into a sweet and affectionate companion. However, even the sweetest cat will show their true nature.

One early morning during a recent cat-sit with Missy, I woke up early with plans to join an online retreat with my reiki teacher. In the dark I heard the crunch-crunch of a small animal being munched upon and soon discovered bits of it spread across the room. the gift that Missy (presumably) left for for  reminded me of the reasons I don’t need a pet of my own!! Needless to say, I watched a recording of the class later that morning..!

Missy quickly accepted me and began bringing me gifts of affection.

Learning from pets

Life is about learning and experience and as animals shine their light on us we can learn from them. A great example is Yin yoga — which founder, Paulie Zinks’ developed after observing and studying the way of animals move. Animals innately stretch, move and rest to conserve energy and remain flexible and strong. Yin yoga is just like that.

I’m grateful to all the pets and their owners who have trusted me to look after them.


Do you need a pet-sitter while you attend to work commitments or have a much needed vacation? Julie offers an oustanding service that includes pet companionship, basic grooming, and feeding — as well as updates and photos so you know your beloved fur-baby is safe and entertained.

Equipment for an Aspiring Raw Vegan Chef

When we start getting into tasty raw vegan food we we have to consider equipment.

When I was first experimenting with raw food recipes at home, I decided to use what I already had in the cupboard — a NutriBullet. For smoothies, sauces, and pesto, the NutriBullet is excellent. Plus you can use the second blade to grind flaxseed and spices.

Once I started making larger quantities I began using an Aldi Thermomix. This will cut up vegetables and make chunky and smooth sauces, bliss ball mixtures and lots more. It also makes cauliflower rice in seconds 😀!

You can also use a regular food processor. 

At Sayuri’s, where I did my raw vegan food training, they use a Vitamix blender and food processor.

Here I am at Sayuri’s in Bali, check out the equipment we are using.

You might also consider a spiralizer, which is great for making zucchini and carrot noodles. These are simply delicious in raw vegan Pad Thai and ‘spaghetti’ marinara.

Other equipment includes spatulas for scraping down your blender, teaspoons for tasting as you go, chopping boards, bowls and sharp knives, of course, for chopping your veggies.

Buying Secondhand

Now where to buy your raw vegan equipment? There is no need to spend a fortune.

I discovered many years ago that Australia has a great 2nd-hand market for lots of things. Unwanted gifts and items that have been replaced with more up-to-date gadgets (but are still perfectly fine) make their way onto Facebook marketplace and Gumtree all the time.

Nearly all the appliances I use, including the Aldi Thermomix, NutriBullet, spiralizer and glass bowls, have been sourced secondhand. 

A Win-Win

Buying secondhand is a win-win for everyone. It’s great for the consumer who gets a bargain, the seller who makes money and frees up space, and the environment benefits as well.

I often suggest that my reiki students look on these platforms to buy massage tables and yoga equipment. When I started the raw food journey I found an Aldi Thermomix for AUD$50. And more recently a set of glass bowls for $5 and a brand new Spiralizer (still in its box) for just AUD$10! 

If you’re keen to create ‘raw’ breads, crackers, and pizza bases you can use a dehydrator. I bought mine new but it’s not essential — you can also use a regular oven set below 48 degrees Celcius. Cooking at a low temperature ensures your food keeps its essential nutrients and enzymes.  

Eating light, energised food supports us to be more light, joyful and peaceful — and buying second-hand keeps the planet lighter too. ❤️

Want to taste and explore raw vegan foods? Julie hosts regular retreats as well as private classes at her rainforest reiki studio in Cairns. For more details, email or phone 0438 537365. Alternatively, check the Retreat Day page for upcoming group Reiki and Raw Food Retreat Days.

raw food prepared by Julie Heskins

Reiki and Raw Food go Together like a Bird and A Feather!

Reiki is a healing system to become whole.

Working with meditations, daily precepts, and hands-on healing techniques we heal on a mental, emotional and physical level. We wake up to the pure potential within ourselves and bring balance and clarity into our lives.

When I began my healing journey almost 20 years ago, the reiki treatments helped me to feel more interconnected with the world, supported me through recovery from trauma, and laid bare a path to wellness and self-discovery.

As I developed a daily meditation and reiki practice, I have delved deeper into this simple (yet powerful) system and simply allowed the next step in my spiritual journey to emerge.

For me that step has been raw vegan foods and a plant-based diet.

Discovering raw vegan food

In September 2022 I was recommended by a friend to Sayuri’s cafe in Ubud (Bali). I’m a regular to Bali and on that visit I’d booked a guest house and, on checking in, asked for a good local cafe. They suggested Sayuri’s — which was right next door!

I love the synchronicity that happens more and more as we practice reiki 😀.

The Sayuri menu is entirely vegan and I had a burger with salad. Everything was made from scratch including the ‘ketchup’, mustard and cheese. All vegan and all raw.

I felt like I must be in heaven — how could raw vegan food taste so amazing?

I had experimented with vegetarian and vegan meals in earlier years only to find my body wasn’t partial to chickpea curries and my stomach did somersaults if black beans came near. Bread just put me to sleep. I was so disappointed because my mind loved the idea of vegetarianism but my body rebelled! When my energy levels plummeted I returned to a normal diet with significantly less meat.

As soon as I tasted that incredible raw vegan burger I felt this could be the answer I had been asking for.

Learning to make raw vegan foods myself

During my 2022 holiday in Bali, I returned many times to Sayuri’s and experienced many more incredible meals before coming home. Back in Australia I followed Sayuri’s on Instagram and did a short raw food course. I loved it! Sure I had made nut milks before but I’d never thought about making the nut pulp into bread and cookies. I’d made carrot juice but now the pulp could be incorporated into a delicious carrot cake.

In our modern era, where there is so much waste, it was a joy to learn to incorporate everything and live on delicious wholesome food.

In February 2023 I returned to Sayuri’s but this time to complete training. I did Raw Chef Dessert Training and what fun we had. Working in groups and creating yummy sweets.

Sayuri is a Japanese lady and her philosophy is totally in harmony with Reiki. When we eat natural raw food, we get the full benefits of the enzymes before the heating process destroys them. Balancing the yin and yang, we have more energy to rediscover our true selves and shine our light on the world.

Recently I completed the 13-day Raw FOOD Chef Training (LEVEL 1) creating more savoury recipes and learning foundational skills eg, dehydration, blending, soaking, and creating nut milks. Each day we focused on a different country and made a meal (including all the elements and garnishes) before eating it for lunch.

Sharing raw vegan food with you

Now I’m back in Australia, I’m inspired to start Raw Food and Reiki Days. Please check out my dedicated retreat day page for the latest dates. Everyone is welcome ❤️🙏.

julie heskins teaches reiki

5 things you don’t know about learning reiki

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If you’ve ever wondered what happens during a Japanese reiki course, this blog will answer a few of your questions. Course structure varies slightly according to your instructor, but if you take a course with Julie Heskins in Cairns, this is what you can expect.

1. It’s fun

Reiki is spiritual practice that focuses on energy work, mediation, healing mantras — but it certainly isn’t boring. You’ll be amazed at how much you laugh, engage in conversation, and bathe in the positive energy of the rainforest.

have fun learning reiki

2. You’ll meet like-minded people

If you’re new to Cairns or seeking new directions with people who are positive and spiritually minded, a reiki course with Julie is a great way to make new friends.

3. The food is great

Lunch is always memorable at Julie’s reiki courses. Everyone brings something light and delicious to share and Julie provides whole-food snacks during the breaks.

4. You’ll feel supported

Julie spends one-on-one time with each and every student. Whether you’re receiving a reiju or attunement or getting personalised instruction, Julie ensures you feel happy and confident during the entire course.

julie heskins with a reiki student

5. You’ll actually be performing reiki treatments

In the first few hours of the course you will be giving and receiving reiki treatments to your classmates and to yourself. By the end of the course you’ll feel confident to continue your practice at home.

Learn reiki in Cairns

If you’d like to learn reiki with Julie Heskins in Cairns, check out our latest course dates, book a reiki holiday, or get in touch to learn more about the course offerings.

julie heskins with a reiki student

Building your spiritual practice with reiki mentoring

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If you’ve ever done a reiki course and let your practice fall away due to life challenges or self-doubt, Julie is now offering a reiki mentoring service to support you along your spiritual journey.

This short blog outlines some of the possibilities for your mentoring sessions and may help you identify areas in your practice that need attention.

Julie has dedicated her life to the practice of reiki and mindfulness meditation. With Julie as your mentor you will have someone who genuinely cares about you and is on hand to provide the insight and wisdom you need to grow your practice.

1. New Students

Many new students finish their Reiki 1 Shoden course with enthusiasm, but struggle to introduce the meditations, teachings, and practices into their daily life. This is where a reiki mentor can really help as they can practice alongside you each week (or so) and act as an accountability partner until your reiki practice is established.

New students generally have a lot of questions about the things they’ve just learned. Your reiki mentor can help you:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the reiki precepts.
  • Refine your technique for palm healing and hand placements.
  • Make adjustments to your posture and preparation before meditating.

2. Lapsed Practitioners

Reiki mentoring is also great for practitioners who have let their practice lapse and are looking for a way back. Sometimes this is due to an emotional block or life challenge and the wisdom guidance of a mentor like Julie can help you move forward with your practice.

reiki mentoring service with julie heskins in cairns

3. Reiki Graduates Turning Pro

Another group who greatly benefit from reiki mentoring are graduates of Reiki 2 Okuden or Reiki 3 Shinpiden, who are starting to provide professional reiki treatments and classes. Julie can help refine your technique, provide advice about reiki business best practices, and encourage you to keep up your personal practice outside of work.

Working with Julie

Reiki mentoring sessions with Julie are usually held at the Rainforest Reiki Studio in South Cairns, but they can also be conducted online. Contact Julie on or 0438 537365 to get started.

online reiki mentoring with julie heskins

Reiki mentoring can be easily built into your schedule with online sessions.

Reiki master Julie Heskins conducting a reiki treatment in Cairns

Enjoying a reiki holiday in Cairns

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If you’re curious about the healing power of reiki why not integrate a reiki course (or relaxing reiki treatments) into your next holiday?

What is reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese energy practice that focuses on self-healing and awareness. Through the reiki system of precepts, meditations, and mantras, practitioners discover their true nature and come to realise that each human is the keeper of all the knowledge they require.

It is a beautiful practice that promotes relaxation, mindfulness, physical healing, and spiritual transformation.

Julie Heskins from Rainfores Reiki in Cairns demonstrates reiki to a student
Why not consider a reiki holiday with Reiki Master Julie Heskins in Cairns?

What is a reiki holiday?

Julie’s reiki holidays are flexible and you can experience a reiki treatment, or take the full Reiki Shoden course. Experienced reiki practitioners can choose reiki mentoring sessions with Julie to deepen their practice.

4 Day/3 Nights Reef and Reiki Package
  • 3 nights accommodation (private room with shared bathroom)
  • Continental breakfast each morning (with delicious smoothie) featuring local fruits and vegetables)
  • Reiki treatment (1 hour reiki treatment with Julie)
  • Island Reef trip (day trip snorkelling the Great Barrier Reef)
  • Wifi (fast fibre-optic WIFI during your stay)
  • Cost: $499 (per person)
4 Day/3 Nights Learn Reiki Package
  • 3 nights accommodation (private room with shared bathroom)
  • Continental breakfast each morning with delicious local fruits
  • Reiki 1 Shoden Course (full 2-day course including manuals and certificate of completion)
  • Wifi (fast fibre-optic WIFI during your stay)
  • Cost: $699 (per person)

The property

Your accommodation in Cairns is at Julie’s Rainforest Reiki Studio, a beautiful timber home set amongst the trees and songbirds of tropical Far-north Queensland. You can stay in a single room, or book the whole house with your friends.

The possibilities

Your reiki holiday is completely personalised, so aside from your reiki course and/or treatments you can also add side-trips, nutritious meals, and yoga classes. Just ask for add-on pricing at the time of booking.


Julie spent many years working as a travel agent and tour guide, so she can arrange day trips around Cairns, the Atherton Tablelands, and Cape Tribulation.


Why not treat yourself to a delicious raw food and vegan menu during your holiday? Ask Julie for the full menu and pricing while booking.


Begin your yoga practice in a safe space under the guidance of a trained yoga teacher. Julie can tailor a gentle yoga program that suits you body type and personal needs.

Julie Heskins from Cairns teaches Yoga Classes

Book your reiki holiday today

For pricing and booking enquiries, please contact Julie Heskins on or phone 0438 537365.

What our guests say

meditating at the edge of the ocean

Maintaining self care in challenging times

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Things are tough right now and we are all feeling it. This quick blog post is a gentle reminder to take care of yourself along with a few tips for maintaining your own self care in challenging times.

1. Mindfulness

The pressures of our world are part of our human existence, and a consistent mindfulness meditation practice will help you face the stressors in your life, while taking a step back from any negativity and drama.

Mindfulness is about focusing your attention on the here and now, regulating your breathing, observing your feelings and the sensations in your body without judgment. Rather than responding or reacting to negative thoughts or feelings, you merely note them and let them go. The object is to create awareness and take it into our daily lives, appreciating the remarkable gifts that life provides throughout each day

mindfulness written on a note in the window

2. Hydration

When bills and financial stressors are coming at you, don’t forget to keep up your hydration levels. And if you find yourself drinking more coffee and alcohol than usual, make sure you balance this out with clean water, fresh juices, green tea, and herbal infusions.

man on beach with stainless steel water bottle

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn

3. Movement

It’s great to keep your body mobile and moving. Apart from the proven benefits to cardio-respiratory health and fitness, exercise improves the quality of your sleep while decreasing the symptoms of depression and anxiety. With age our bodies loose flexibility and strength so yoga, walking and regular gym work can all make a huge difference to our mobility and daily wellbeing.

Julie Heskins from Cairns teaches Yoga Classes
Julie recommends gentle stretching and yoga to keep your body active and supple.

4. Nutrition

A balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables can increase your energy levels and and improve your focus throughout the day. Try to avoid processed foods and anything that makes you feel heavy and tired. Your body knows best, just ask before you eat.

raw food prepared by Julie Heskins
Julie was once a big fan of pasta and pastries but began slowly eating raw vegan food and fruit-based treats instead of biscuits and cakes. She even learned to make them herself and now includes these delicious meals and desserts at her meditation retreats and reiki courses.

5. Retreat

If you can, take some time out for retreat. If you don’t have the time or resources for a lengthy detox or getaway, you could try a meditation retreat day, an overnight staycation somewhere close to home, or just taking a weekly mindfulness class.

bench seat with a painted sign behind that says 'self love'
Your spiritual practice is the ultimate act of self-love. Rather than letting it fall away when things get tough, lean into your practice.

Reiki Practice in Daily Life

The wonderful thing about the system of reiki is how much it supports us through each day. When we are in a good state of mind, not overwhelmed, anxious or afraid, then we can support others in a loving, kind and positive way.
I moved to Australia 30 years ago. My parents initially had reservations about me travelling the world. They changed their minds when they visited me to celebrate my 21st birthday. As they enjoyed the warm climate, the beautiful vistas of Kakadu and the Whitsunday islands, they understood why their only daughter had fallen in love with this incredible country!
Travel and adventure they realised was fun. After that initial taste of what travelling offered they met me in New Zealand, Thailand and other far flung places.

I settled in Cairns eventually and they came to visit a number of times. They loved it. Gorgeous places to visit like Cape Tribulation, the Tablelands, the reef and Fitzroy Island. Staying at Rainforest Reiki was a treat too and they came to a reiki share night and mum had treatments.

As they got older I asked them if they’d like to move to Australia. They always had great friends in UK and they didn’t want to. When dads health deteriorated and they could no longer travel I visited them in UK once a year.
At times when they were ill I facilitated distant reiki sessions. This is done by setting intent that the person receives whatever healing they need in that moment and then you sit in meditation holding that loving intent free of expectations and judgement. This can last 20-30 minutes.
On some level you always know when you live far from loved ones that eventually one parent will face a serious health issue. It’s how you deal with the challenges that arise that counts. The only certainty is that there’s always change in our lives.
The precepts of reiki are the backbone of the whole system. Students are taught different meditation techniques to work with these.
The precepts, or principles of Reiki are:
For Today Only:
Do not anger
Dot not worry
Be grateful
Practice diligently
To show compassion to yourself and others
By working with the meditations and other practices students create awareness. The goal is to take these practices into daily life and live from this place.
Of course it doesn’t mean we never get angry or worried! That would be in a perfect world ❤️. These precepts are the goal of the system to be less worried, less angry, more grateful and be kind and compassionate to ourselves and others. To rediscover our inner light which is always within us – we’ve just forgotten it.
Aged 87 and 85 my parents have maintained good health. Two months ago my dad rang with the news mum had had an a severe stroke and was in hospital. My reiki practice has always given me so much support with challenges and this time was no different . Taking one day at a time I’ve been able to get clear, be there for both mum and dad and support them both energetically and practically with phone calls and, more recently, visiting them in UK.
My dad has stayed positive throughout and feels loved and supported by friends and family.  He knows mum is in the best place and getting the care she needs.  Practicing reiki gives me trust that there is a flow to life and the object is to let go of outcomes and be as present as possible to what is each day.
Initially mum was unconscious and dad visited.  After 63 years of marriage they had never been apart except for a few days.
Six weeks into mum’s recovery it was clear to me I needed to go back and assess things and be there for them both.  I already had another trip planned to do Raw Chef training in Bali (creating delicious raw food for retreat days and courses is something I enjoy) and continued onto UK.   It was so good to see them both.  The staff at the hospital were lovely but mum was finding being in hospital challenging – the noise, lights and constant movement are hard on anyone, let along an old lady whose used to a peaceful life.  Facilitating reiki on the ward calmed mum and one of the nurses was enthralled!  She asked about having a session and learning – maybe in the future…
My dad has been doing well on his own. He appreciates the support he gets from friends and the retirement village community. He can cook, do laundry and manages with little help.  Mum will hopefully be able to keep improving and return home so they can be together again.  I am now back in Cairns and will continue to do distant reiki for us all.
The intent for the best possible outcome for them both is paramount. ❤️❤️🙏😀.