Getting close to animals with reiki and meditation

Observations of a Pet Sitter

Owning a pet carries responsibility. I love animals but I also travel for much of the year, so pet sitting allows me to do both. It’s a win-win-win situation for everyone — me, the owners, and the animals.

Pet sitting can be lots of fun but also has its challenges. Pets are unique and have distinct personalities and minds of their own — they certainly aren’t shy to show their true colours from the outset.

Involving ‘Blossom’ in my Reiki practice

One of my favourite pet sits was with a white feisty terrier called Blossom. On our first meeting Blossom growled and barked wildly at me. Her devoted mum and dad explained that she had a strong personality.

I find it’s always best to be direct with owners — to see whether you’re going to be the right fit for their beloved pet.

How did Blossom go with the previous pet sitter?’ I asked.

When they admitted that Blossom had barked aggressively at the poor woman for the entire first week, I wasn’t too concerned. Reiki has many benefits and I felt certain it would be a calming influence for a little dog who was missing her human parents.

Just as humans experience anxiety and stress when situations change, so do sensitive animals.

I agreed to the pet-sit, feeling confident that Blossom would respond positively to my presence, and my reiki practice.

The owners went off on their cruise and I moved in. As soon as I arrived Blossom complained, very noisily, that I was not her family. However I gently sat on the sofa in meditation, set an intent that the little dog would receive whatever healing she needed, and did a 20 minute meditation. Within a few minutes the barking abated, Blossom calmed down and peace was restored.

I continued to include Blossom in my meditation practice and, by the end of day two, Blossom had fully accepted me — wagging her tail enthusiastically whenever I arrived home. She is a special girl and on some days, when I was working with clients, I would her along to my  Rainforest Reiki studio. She greeted everyone with a few cheerful barks and then quietly settled under the reiki table — enjoying being in the energy that a reiki treatment creates.

blossom, one of my pet sitting clients in Cairns
After just a few days, Blossom became a loving and cheerful companion during Reiki practice.

The wisdom of Pappi

Do pets reflect their owners? I think they do. Another of my favourite pet-sits is Pappi. Pappi is a medium sized dog of mixed lineage who was very well trained and super intelligent. Just like her quiet, smart mum who also has a playful sense of humour :).

It’s always a gift to care for a well trained dog. Being able to walking her on the beach without a lead was an absolute joy. Trust is so important and, with Pappi, she would come to me to have her lead put on if she perceived a threat from another dog.

Intuition and wisdom is something, for most of us, that needs to be developed — whereas Pappi, just knew who she could trust. We can learn so much from our pets, even when they are in our care for a short time, if we take the time to observe them.

Pappi and I, during one of our beachwalks.

Spending time with Missy

Cats are also a favourite of mine — especially Missy who lives on property in the Atherton Tablelands. Missy was a bit stand offish initially but over time she has grown into a sweet and affectionate companion. However, even the sweetest cat will show their true nature.

One early morning during a recent cat-sit with Missy, I woke up early with plans to join an online retreat with my reiki teacher. In the dark I heard the crunch-crunch of a small animal being munched upon and soon discovered bits of it spread across the room. the gift that Missy (presumably) left for for  reminded me of the reasons I don’t need a pet of my own!! Needless to say, I watched a recording of the class later that morning..!

Missy quickly accepted me and began bringing me gifts of affection.

Learning from pets

Life is about learning and experience and as animals shine their light on us we can learn from them. A great example is Yin yoga — which founder, Paulie Zinks’ developed after observing and studying the way of animals move. Animals innately stretch, move and rest to conserve energy and remain flexible and strong. Yin yoga is just like that.

I’m grateful to all the pets and their owners who have trusted me to look after them.


Do you need a pet-sitter while you attend to work commitments or have a much needed vacation? Julie offers an oustanding service that includes pet companionship, basic grooming, and feeding — as well as updates and photos so you know your beloved fur-baby is safe and entertained.

Reiki for Pets

Getting close to animals with reiki and meditation
Reiki with pets. The joys of petsitting

I love animals and am also a passionate traveller.  Pet sitting offers the opportunity to do both.
It’s a win win situation helping owners and having quality time with their pets.  It’s fun and has its challenges.  Pets have minds of their own and aren’t shy to show their true colours sometimes!
One of my favourite pet sits was for a white feisty terrier called Blossom (pictured above). On our first meeting Blossom growled and barked and her devoted mum and dad explained that she had a strong personality.  Her name, ‘Blossom’ suited her perfectly.  It’s always good to be direct with owners to see whether you’re going to be the right fit for their precious pet.
‘How did Blossom go with the previous pet sitter’ I asked.  They admitted Blossom barked aggressively at the poor woman for the first week!
Reiki has many benefits and I felt certain that Blossom would respond well to it.
Just as humans experience anxiety and stress when situations change so do sensitive animals.
The owners went off on a cruise and I moved in.   On arrival Blossom complained noisily that I was not her family.  I promptly sat on the sofa in meditation, set an intent she received whatever she needed at that moment and did a 20 minute reiki meditation session with her.  The barking quickly abated, Blossom calmed down and peace was restored.
I continued including Blossom in my meditation practice each day and Blossom accepted me, wagging her tail enthusiastically whenever I arrived home.  She was a special girl and I’d take her back to Rainforest Reiki some days.  She greeted clients with a few barks and then would quietly settle under the reiki table enjoying being in the reiki space.
Do pets reflect their owners?  I think they do.  Another of my favourite pets is Pappi.  Pappi is a medium sized dog of mixed lineage who was very well trained and super intelligent. Similar to her quiet, smart mum who also has a playful sense of humour :).
It’s always a gift to care for a well trained dog.  Walking her on the beach without a lead was a joy.  Trust is so important and, with Pappi, she would come to me to have her lead put on if she perceived a threat from another dog.  Intuition and wisdom is something, for most of us, that needs to be developed whereas Pappi knew who she could trust.  We can learn so much from our pets, even when they are in our care for a short time.
Cats are also a favourite of mine.  Especially Missy who lives on property in the Tablelands.  Cats are independent creatures and remind me of myself!  Missy was a bit stand offish initially but over time she has grown into a sweet and affectionate companion.  On my last visit she jumped through the bedroom window every morning for meditation, curling up contentedly in my lap.
Even the sweetest cat will show their true nature of course.  I awoke early with plans to join an online retreat with my reiki teacher.  In the dark I heard the crunch crunch of a small animal being munched.  Discovering bits of it spread across the room, a gift for me I presumed, reminded me of the reasons I don’t need a pet of my own!! Needless to say, I watched a recording of the class later in the day 😀🙏.
Life is about learning and experience and as animals shine their light on us we can learn from them.  Yin yoga came about from the founder, Paulie Zinks’ study of animals and the way they move.  Animals innately stretch, move and rest to conserve energy and remain flexible and strong.
I’m grateful to all the pets and their owners who have trusted me to look after them.