Equipment for an Aspiring Raw Vegan Chef

When we start getting into tasty raw vegan food we we have to consider equipment.

When I was first experimenting with raw food recipes at home, I decided to use what I already had in the cupboard — a NutriBullet. For smoothies, sauces, and pesto, the NutriBullet is excellent. Plus you can use the second blade to grind flaxseed and spices.

Once I started making larger quantities I began using an Aldi Thermomix. This will cut up vegetables and make chunky and smooth sauces, bliss ball mixtures and lots more. It also makes cauliflower rice in seconds 😀!

You can also use a regular food processor. 

At Sayuri’s, where I did my raw vegan food training, they use a Vitamix blender and food processor.

Here I am at Sayuri’s in Bali, check out the equipment we are using.

You might also consider a spiralizer, which is great for making zucchini and carrot noodles. These are simply delicious in raw vegan Pad Thai and ‘spaghetti’ marinara.

Other equipment includes spatulas for scraping down your blender, teaspoons for tasting as you go, chopping boards, bowls and sharp knives, of course, for chopping your veggies.

Buying Secondhand

Now where to buy your raw vegan equipment? There is no need to spend a fortune.

I discovered many years ago that Australia has a great 2nd-hand market for lots of things. Unwanted gifts and items that have been replaced with more up-to-date gadgets (but are still perfectly fine) make their way onto Facebook marketplace and Gumtree all the time.

Nearly all the appliances I use, including the Aldi Thermomix, NutriBullet, spiralizer and glass bowls, have been sourced secondhand. 

A Win-Win

Buying secondhand is a win-win for everyone. It’s great for the consumer who gets a bargain, the seller who makes money and frees up space, and the environment benefits as well.

I often suggest that my reiki students look on these platforms to buy massage tables and yoga equipment. When I started the raw food journey I found an Aldi Thermomix for AUD$50. And more recently a set of glass bowls for $5 and a brand new Spiralizer (still in its box) for just AUD$10! 

If you’re keen to create ‘raw’ breads, crackers, and pizza bases you can use a dehydrator. I bought mine new but it’s not essential — you can also use a regular oven set below 48 degrees Celcius. Cooking at a low temperature ensures your food keeps its essential nutrients and enzymes.  

Eating light, energised food supports us to be more light, joyful and peaceful — and buying second-hand keeps the planet lighter too. ❤️

Want to taste and explore raw vegan foods? Julie hosts regular retreats as well as private classes at her rainforest reiki studio in Cairns. For more details, email or phone 0438 537365. Alternatively, check the Retreat Day page for upcoming group Reiki and Raw Food Retreat Days.

raw food prepared by Julie Heskins

Reiki and Raw Food go Together like a Bird and A Feather!

Reiki is a healing system to become whole.

Working with meditations, daily precepts, and hands-on healing techniques we heal on a mental, emotional and physical level. We wake up to the pure potential within ourselves and bring balance and clarity into our lives.

When I began my healing journey almost 20 years ago, the reiki treatments helped me to feel more interconnected with the world, supported me through recovery from trauma, and laid bare a path to wellness and self-discovery.

As I developed a daily meditation and reiki practice, I have delved deeper into this simple (yet powerful) system and simply allowed the next step in my spiritual journey to emerge.

For me that step has been raw vegan foods and a plant-based diet.

Discovering raw vegan food

In September 2022 I was recommended by a friend to Sayuri’s cafe in Ubud (Bali). I’m a regular to Bali and on that visit I’d booked a guest house and, on checking in, asked for a good local cafe. They suggested Sayuri’s — which was right next door!

I love the synchronicity that happens more and more as we practice reiki 😀.

The Sayuri menu is entirely vegan and I had a burger with salad. Everything was made from scratch including the ‘ketchup’, mustard and cheese. All vegan and all raw.

I felt like I must be in heaven — how could raw vegan food taste so amazing?

I had experimented with vegetarian and vegan meals in earlier years only to find my body wasn’t partial to chickpea curries and my stomach did somersaults if black beans came near. Bread just put me to sleep. I was so disappointed because my mind loved the idea of vegetarianism but my body rebelled! When my energy levels plummeted I returned to a normal diet with significantly less meat.

As soon as I tasted that incredible raw vegan burger I felt this could be the answer I had been asking for.

Learning to make raw vegan foods myself

During my 2022 holiday in Bali, I returned many times to Sayuri’s and experienced many more incredible meals before coming home. Back in Australia I followed Sayuri’s on Instagram and did a short raw food course. I loved it! Sure I had made nut milks before but I’d never thought about making the nut pulp into bread and cookies. I’d made carrot juice but now the pulp could be incorporated into a delicious carrot cake.

In our modern era, where there is so much waste, it was a joy to learn to incorporate everything and live on delicious wholesome food.

In February 2023 I returned to Sayuri’s but this time to complete training. I did Raw Chef Dessert Training and what fun we had. Working in groups and creating yummy sweets.

Sayuri is a Japanese lady and her philosophy is totally in harmony with Reiki. When we eat natural raw food, we get the full benefits of the enzymes before the heating process destroys them. Balancing the yin and yang, we have more energy to rediscover our true selves and shine our light on the world.

Recently I completed the 13-day Raw FOOD Chef Training (LEVEL 1) creating more savoury recipes and learning foundational skills eg, dehydration, blending, soaking, and creating nut milks. Each day we focused on a different country and made a meal (including all the elements and garnishes) before eating it for lunch.

Sharing raw vegan food with you

Now I’m back in Australia, I’m inspired to start Raw Food and Reiki Days. Please check out my dedicated retreat day page for the latest dates. Everyone is welcome ❤️🙏.