
What is Reiki ?

Usui Mikao, the founder of Japanese ReikiReiki is a practice developed in the early 1900’s by Usui Mikao in Japan. It is known throughout the world as a hands-on healing technique. It is in fact much more.

As we delve deeper we find the system of Reiki is a self development practice.  Learning different meditations and techniques you connect with the energy within.

Expanding this energy you gain a much deeper understanding of how you are connected to the world. Stresses and frustrations disappear, leaving you lighter and free to be true to yourself — and compassionate to others.  

Reiki is essentially about becoming self empowered to live the life you want to lead. Family, friends and others around you will, of course, also benefit from a new, calmer you!

Benefits of Reiki 

Whether you choose a treatmentlearn Reiki, come to a meditation class, or participate in an overnight retreat the benefits are numerous. Reiki supports the body to heal naturally and can be used alongside modern medicine. 

Japanese reiki assists us to balance the body and helps us find calm within. It also strengthens immunity, can assist with pain relief, stress, sleep deprivation and detoxification.

Reiki creates personal awareness and clarity. In doing so you can let go of negative thought patterns and habits and bring in new positive ones. It stimulates creativity and help clear blocked emotions.

Reiki supports the needs of the client/student empowering them to take the next step to a more fulfilling life. Even better, reiki doesn’t have to be only used on yourself, you can also share reiki with friends and family, pets, farm animals and plants.