The wonderful thing about the system of reiki is how much it supports us through each day. When we are in a good state of mind, not overwhelmed, anxious or afraid, then we can support others in a loving, kind and positive way.
I moved to Australia 30 years ago. My parents initially had reservations about me travelling the world. They changed their minds when they visited me to celebrate my 21st birthday. As they enjoyed the warm climate, the beautiful vistas of Kakadu and the Whitsunday islands, they understood why their only daughter had fallen in love with this incredible country!
Travel and adventure they realised was fun. After that initial taste of what travelling offered they met me in New Zealand, Thailand and other far flung places.
I settled in Cairns eventually and they came to visit a number of times. They loved it. Gorgeous places to visit like Cape Tribulation, the Tablelands, the reef and Fitzroy Island. Staying at Rainforest Reiki was a treat too and they came to a reiki share night and mum had treatments.
As they got older I asked them if they’d like to move to Australia. They always had great friends in UK and they didn’t want to. When dads health deteriorated and they could no longer travel I visited them in UK once a year.
At times when they were ill I facilitated distant reiki sessions. This is done by setting intent that the person receives whatever healing they need in that moment and then you sit in meditation holding that loving intent free of expectations and judgement. This can last 20-30 minutes.
On some level you always know when you live far from loved ones that eventually one parent will face a serious health issue. It’s how you deal with the challenges that arise that counts. The only certainty is that there’s always change in our lives.
The precepts of reiki are the backbone of the whole system. Students are taught different meditation techniques to work with these.
The precepts, or principles of Reiki are:
For Today Only:
Do not anger
Dot not worry
Be grateful
Practice diligently
To show compassion to yourself and others
By working with the meditations and other practices students create awareness. The goal is to take these practices into daily life and live from this place.
Of course it doesn’t mean we never get angry or worried! That would be in a perfect world
. These precepts are the goal of the system to be less worried, less angry, more grateful and be kind and compassionate to ourselves and others. To rediscover our inner light which is always within us – we’ve just forgotten it.

Aged 87 and 85 my parents have maintained good health. Two months ago my dad rang with the news mum had had an a severe stroke and was in hospital. My reiki practice has always given me so much support with challenges and this time was no different . Taking one day at a time I’ve been able to get clear, be there for both mum and dad and support them both energetically and practically with phone calls and, more recently, visiting them in UK.
My dad has stayed positive throughout and feels loved and supported by friends and family. He knows mum is in the best place and getting the care she needs. Practicing reiki gives me trust that there is a flow to life and the object is to let go of outcomes and be as present as possible to what is each day.
Initially mum was unconscious and dad visited. After 63 years of marriage they had never been apart except for a few days.
Six weeks into mum’s recovery it was clear to me I needed to go back and assess things and be there for them both. I already had another trip planned to do Raw Chef training in Bali (creating delicious raw food for retreat days and courses is something I enjoy) and continued onto UK. It was so good to see them both. The staff at the hospital were lovely but mum was finding being in hospital challenging – the noise, lights and constant movement are hard on anyone, let along an old lady whose used to a peaceful life. Facilitating reiki on the ward calmed mum and one of the nurses was enthralled! She asked about having a session and learning – maybe in the future…

My dad has been doing well on his own. He appreciates the support he gets from friends and the retirement village community. He can cook, do laundry and manages with little help. Mum will hopefully be able to keep improving and return home so they can be together again. I am now back in Cairns and will continue to do distant reiki for us all.
The intent for the best possible outcome for them both is paramount. 
